October 4, 2017

Synchronicity and Choices

I am becoming more and more interested in the topics of flow, interconnectedness, intuition and ‘choices’…

This morning I awoke early at 5 and was torn between two choices – turning over and going back to sleep or getting up and tackling a pressing piece of work admin. Next thing I knew I was getting dressed to go out on the water. Again there was a choice – a long ride on the very stable kayak to visit the fish eagles at the far end of the vlei or more of a training paddle on the far less stable surfski. So I find myself on the surfski. And at the halfway mark I turn to face the beautiful Kalk Bay mountain which is bathed in the morning sun and stop paddling and take the time to thank the mountain, sea, birds and humanity for their existence in my life. And instead of taking the planned short route home, something pulls me in a hitherto unexplored ‘road less travelled. And tucked away in the corner of the island are my first pelican sighting of the season - two of them! And leaving them, I spot a fish eagle tucked away in a new spot.

So I return home thinking ‘deep’ philosophical thoughts about flow, etc., … and successfully battle into the wind to turn into the calm waters of my inlet, feeling very satisfied with my ‘choices’ of the morning and the way that I have been rewarded for being in the flow…. And the teacher/trickster has one last message for me – and in the calmest of waters the surfski manages to tip over and a wet humbled Chris has to swim to the side to remount and complete the ride...