La Poesia

And something ignited in my soul
Fever or unremembered wings,
And I went on my way,
That burning fire
And I wrote the first bare line,
Bare, without substance, pure
Pure wisdom
Of one who knows nothing,
And suddenly I saw
The heavens
And open.

Pablo Neruda

Of the four archetypes that I will be presenting in this module, I have personally found the Warrior Archetype the most difficult to come to terms with at anything but a superficial level. However, once I began to master some basic Warrior skills, a new world of positive possibility suddenly opened up for me. This personal experience explains why I usually start this work with the Warrior. Of the four archetypes that I will be presenting in this module, I have personally found the Warrior Archetype the most difficult to come to terms with at anything but a superficial level. However, once I began to master some basic Warrior skills, a new world of positive possibility suddenly opened up for me. This personal experience explains why I usually start this work with the Warrior. The Warrior resides in the body. Wendy Palmer identifies SAFETY as the main focus of the unconscious body persona. This need for safety only changes to a belief in BEING GOOD ENOUGH in the healthy, conscious form.

The following features describe the Healthy Warrior Archetype:

• Strong Boundaries• Assertive
• Takes Action• Has tough Conversations
• Strong Focus• Decisive
• Courageous• Commitment to Integrity
• Disciplined• Faces and Uses Anger

The basic task of one’s Healthy Warrior is to Show Up and Be Fully Present.

Shadow Archetypes describe those who have too much (Savage) or too little (Victim) Warrior Energy.

Leaks AngerNo Boundaries
BullyRepresses Anger
RigidCreates Persecutors
Win at all costsPoor me
Takes out the enemyHelpless
CompetitiveAvoids Confrontation
Over CriticalDisappears when things get tough
Ignores BoundariesIndecisive

Using this framework, consider the following questions.

i. Which is your default Warrior type:

  • When calm? When under pressure?

ii. How does your Warrior usually show up:

  • At work? At home?

iii. Which Shadow Warrior are you most familiar with in your own behaviour? Savage or Victim?
